Lend me your ears (and eyes)
I’m trying a new thing and I want you to be a part of it.
For the last few years I have committed to being creative everyday. Earlier in my career I focussed on performing, and I was certainly working a lot, but I was rarely creating new things. I was frustrated.
Nowadays I’m performing a lot less, and it’s rare that a day goes by without me making something, be it a short musical recording, a photograph, or an improvement on a magic effect.
So I’m going to send out my newsletter with these creations in them, most of which will likely not be something that ends up in a larger work such as an album, but I hope you’ll enjoy them and maybe take some inspiration from the process.
I aim to send at least one track of new music per newsletter, along with one of my photographs, and perhaps a couple of musings. It will also be where I announce albums, shows or print sales first, with deals for subscribers.
That’s where I’m starting from, and I thank you for joining me.
Going forward the next time you receive a newsletter, you may be asked to sign up again so that you can access the full subscriber only posts on my website. If you want to share with a friend, please feel free and encourage them to sign up.
Here are some sketches of sounds I made the other day. Everything you hear is piano and effects, recorded in one take.
Watch out for the first new newsletter in your inbox in the next couple of weeks.